Elemental Focus
Elemental Focus was founded in 2011 as a brand for independent games created by a small changable team. The brand started to be used alongside the release of the team's first game, Strategic Single Stick Shooter The Cannon. Since then, the Elemental Focus name has been behind addictive puzzler Diamond Digger and work is currently underway on firework sim extravaganza Skies of Fire. We will continue to work on new, small, fun games where we won't shy away from things that are a bit silly or quirky.
Our previous games are available on both Xbox Live Indie Games and through IndieCity for PC, but we have since stopped developing for Xbox Live Indie Games.
For any general queries, send an e-mail to: x@elementalfocus.co.uk
The Team
Christopher Powell
Roles: Senior Producer, Programmer, Artist, Sound Engineer.
Chris has been working with digital and real world media for almost 6 years. Dabbling in flash animation, comedic writing, and more recently game development. To compliment this desire to produce games for the masses-so long as they're on a media he can code for-he has just finished his degree in Computer Science
Website: gingerlink.co.uk Twitter: @gingerlink E-mail: chris@elementalfocus.co.uk
Jonathon Scott
Roles: Voice actor, tester.
Jon's main reason for being on the team is that he often needs something to do having been caught in the catch-22 of "experience-required" to work any part-time jobs. The secondary reason is that he's quite good at doing silly voices
Website:kinross07.wordpress.com Twitter:@JonWho E-mail: jonathon@elementalfocus.co.uk
Maestro McAllister
Maestro is the head honcho of all things musical at Elemental Focus. She is responsible for 90% of the Cannon soundtrack (available on our bandcamp page) and the catchy tune in Diamond Digger.
These are the people who've helped out with certain parts of our games. Not really contractors in any official sense, just friends and other people from the internet that have worked with us.
If you're interested in helping with one of our future games please send an e-mail to work@elementalfocus.co.uk with what you think you can offer. At the moment we are only able to offer a percentage of profit for anything you work on or very small commissions.
Elaine Dore
Elaine has been in charge of drawing all of the backgrounds for our upcoming game "Skies of Fire". She also drew the new splash screen and press material for the IndieCity version of "The Cannon"
Tumblr: aeonsummoner.tumblr.com/ Twitter:@aeonsummoner