Elemental Focus


  1. The Cannon - You are here. Enemies will attack it and you must defend it, with itself!
  2. An Enemy - These guys are trying to destroy you. Destroy them!
  3. Bacon - Cook this with fire to regain cannon health
  4. Score bar - This displays your current score and occassionally other useful information
    • Campaign - Enemies remaining
    • Timed - Time remaining until victory
    • Survival - Time survived
    • Waves - Current Wave
  5. Health bar - This is the health for the cannon, if it reaches 0, the cannon is destroyed and you lose.
  6. Electricity barIndiciation of how much electricity energy is left.
  7. Fire bar Indiciation of how much fire energy is left. In multiplayer the bar is split accordingly
  8. Ice barIndiciation of how much ice energy is left.
  9. Vine barIndiciation of how much vine energy is left.


Below are the four weapons that can be fired using The Cannon


Fireballs fired in the direction the cannon is facing, used to burn enemies and cook bacon. The longer that the B button is held down, the larger a fireball will be launched.


A volley of ice shards fired from the cannon, used to freeze and slow down enemies. The longer that the X button is held down, the more ice shards that are fire, covering a larger area.


Bolts of lightning fire from the cannon and electrocute every enemy within the selected area. The longer that the Y button is held down, the larger the area that can be selected.


Fires a vine to grab an enemy which can then be swung around. Pressing the A button creates a vine to grab an enemy and pressing the A button again will let go of that enemy.


Here are the six enemies that are trying to destroy the cannon


Low health and affected heavily by attacks, but will reach the cannon very quickly.
Fire: Very effective, will run in the opposite direction from which is was set on fire.
Ice: Reasonably effective, becomes frozen in a block of ice.
Electricity: Reasonbly effective, halts the ninja.
Vine: Not very effective as a wrecking ball and will die quickly.


Hardy enemies but can be easily hampered
Fire: Reasonably effective, Burns off their wooden leg, halving their speed
Ice: Fairly ineffective, becomes frozen in a block of ice, but takes little damage
Electricity: Reasonbly effective, halts the pirate.
Vine: Not very effective as a wrecking ball and will die fairly quickly.


Aliens have a very different set of effects from every other enemy in the game.
Fire: Ineffective, briefly knocks the robot and deals a small amount of damage
Ice: Ineffective, slows the robot to half speed for a brief period.
Electricity: Instant kill, robot will explode.
Vine: Very effective as a wrecking ball and will last a reasonable amount of time.


Almost as quick as ninjas, will dodge attacks and has low health
Fire: Quite effective, will run in the opposite direction from which is was set on fire.
ice:Reasonably effective, becomes frozen in a block of ice.
Electricity:Reasonably effective, halts the monkey stopping it from dodging.
Vine:Barely worth swinging, will likely die on first impact.


Very slow, but have a lot of health and will take a lot of punishment
Fire:Ineffective, zombie is set on fire and is dealt a small amount of damage
ice:Very effective, freeze the zombie in a block of ice for an extended period of time.
Electricity:Nothing, zombies are not affected by electricity at all
Vine: Does not deal much damage as a wrecking ball, but will last a long time.


Aliens have a very different set of effects from every other enemy in the game.
Fire:Very effective, can be kill in one, but if not, the alien will become angry and move at double speed
ice:Quite effective, useful for thinning out low health aliens, but will give them a shield.
Electricity:Ineffective, will split into two new aliens
Vine:Rather effective as a wrecking ball, reasonable damage and reasonable lifetime